Adraa Agriculture College (AAC)
a) The Franciscan Brothers is a religious fraternity in the Catholic Church called to live the Gospel way of life. It is an Institute of Brothers, founded in Mountbellew, Ireland in 1820 and they are members of the worldwide Franciscan Family. They publicly profess the vows of consecrated celibacy, evangelical poverty and religious obedience and are inspired by the life and values of Our Lord Jesus Christ, the example of Mary our mother and Saints Francis & Clare of Assisi. They generally live and work in the rural areas respecting all persons and creation. The values underpinning their lives and work are: fraternity; sacredness of all; simplicity; hospitality and justice.
The mission of the Brothers is ‘to empower the marginalised in their struggles to liberate themselves and care for the earth.’
Legal Structures: The Franciscan Brothers is an Institute of Pontifical status and is governed and managed in accordance with canon law, rule of life, constitutions and statutes. Under civil law, the Brothers are registered as a Trust in Uganda as follows:
The Registered Trustees of the Franciscan Brothers (Africa Region) Nebbi, Uganda
The Minister General appoints the trustees.
Schedule of authority: the highest authority in the Franciscan Brothers is the General Chapter, while in session. A General Chapter is held every six years. The Institute is governed ordinarily by the Minister General with the assistance of a four-member General Council. They are elected by the general chapter and their term of office is six years.
The Minister General is ultimately responsible for the governance and management of Franciscan Brothers communities and ministries. However, these responsibilities may be delegated to Boards of Governors. In the delegation of authority, Boards of Governors must ensure that communities and ministries are governed and managed in line with the values and ethos of the Franciscan Brothers and that they are compliant with civil law in their jurisdiction. Governance and management boards are ultimately responsible to the Minister General of the Institute or to whatever structure he may put in place.
b) Franciscan Brothers Adraa Agriculture College:
Franciscan Brothers Adraa Agriculture College (AAC) is owned by the Franciscan Brothers and is incorporated in Uganda under the:
Registered Trustees of the Franciscan Brothers (Africa Region) Nebbi, Uganda.
Most aspects of the governance and management of the college are delegated by the Minister General to the Board of Governors who are directly responsible to him. (See copy of Adraa Agriculture College Constitution.)
Adraa Agriculture College (AAC) was founded in 2012 to educate and train people from rural communities in Uganda, South- Sudan and North-
Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo to improve capacities and capabilities so that the rural people will be able to use available natural resources to achieve sustainable livelihoods. The college is owned and managed by the Franciscan Brothers working in collaboration with the Catholic Diocese of Nebbi and like-minded development partners.
The sense of what makes the college special and unique, a core set of principles that the college stands for, and a broad set of compelling criteria that will help define the colleges’ success. The vision statement brings out the commitment of AAC in partnership and collaboration with like-minded development partners to focus its attention on excellence in the provision of products and services as it executes its mandate of nurturing people’s capacities and capabilities.
Why Choose Us
Our excellent team is ready to be part of your team to work into the different areas of diagnoses. Scientists helping scientists.
Our Mission
To empower the marginalized in their struggle to liberate themselves and to care for the earth
Our Vision
A society where the marginalized are prioritized and the earth is cared for
Our Goal
Rural communities in which sustainable livelihoods enable people to live with dignity and in harmony with the environment and God
Our Motto
Live the Gospel way of Life

Our Guiding Philosophy
The philosophy of Adraa Agriculture College is underpinned by the reality that every human person is a unique individual and each one has the right to an environment in which she/he can live life with dignity. This philosophy is founded on the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ that inspires it to bring this ‘good news’ in a practical way to all people, especially the poor. Based on the social teachings of the Catholic Church, AAC endeavors to serve all people irrespective of their religion or ethnicity by focusing on human potential, natural resource base and the environment as the foundation of economic and social activity.
Our Mandate
The mandate is inspired faith-based understanding of realities, the teachings of the Church and charism of the Franciscan Brothers. The mandate recognizes the legal requirements of government of Uganda.