Beneficiaries of Nutrition project taking part in meals
Florence is a mother of 3 children who live in Tika 2 village , Rhino camp refugee settlement, Madi-Okollo district. Florence got opportunity to train at AAC in 2019 on poultry production course and was given start-up of 50 birds. She raised these birds and took that opportunity to train her fellow mothers in the village. Since then, they formed group of young mothers in Tika 2 and they are producing vegetables to help in issues of nutrition among children in their household. Currently the group has ventured in mushroom production and this initiative is helping these mothers to get income in the household and at the same time provide food for the breast-feeding mothers and their babies. Florence’s dream is to ensure that breastfeeding mothers in her village have adequate knowledge and skills in kitchen garden so as to address malnutrition cases among the children and the mothers. She can only do this by establishing demonstration gardens for learning and at the same time expand production to generate household income and attain food security.