• Proejct Name : SALPO
  • Category : Farming
  • Proejct Year : 2021
  • Location : Adraa Parish

About This Test and Case Background

The Sustainable Agriculture Livelihood Program in Offaka Sub-County (SALPO) is a three-year project in its second year of implementation with support from Misean Cara. It operates in 12 villages of Adraa, Ayuu and Pamachi of Adraa Parish; Oliba/Muni/Ojiba, Pajia/Pacen and Riki of Elibu Parish; Aguru, Araara and Ndabu of Ocebu Parish, and, Ndu, Pajo and Patru of Oribu Parish. 120 participating households are supported per year. In 2019/20, 120 directly participating farmers were reached through capacity and capability building and supported to produce green vegetables through kitchen gardening, produce field crops, keep small animals and practice agroforestry as part of kitchen gardening to enhance food, nutrition and income security. Each household involved three others in Village Development Committee (VDC) demonstration sites and their household level activities to learn kitchen gardening, hence 360 households benefited through the trickle down process. In 2021, the project implementation is still in the 12 villages mentioned above and the same implementation strategy was used. 120 directly participating households were selected for capacity and capability building and to be supported for the same purpose of enhancing food, nutrition and income security. Each participating household is also to engage three others. However


The project progress

AAC/ODP together with the communities updated 12 Village Development Committees (VDCs) by replacing some inactive members. 120 Participating households were capacity and capability built through trainings in kitchen gardening, field cropping, small animal rearing and agroforestry management. 12 VDC demonstration sites or village learning sites were established in which 5 types of vegetables seedlings (Onions, green pepper, tomatoes, egg plants and Kales), 3 types of field crops (Maize, soy beans and Ground nuts) were planted.