Research Details
- Proejct Name : Nutrition Project
- Category : Training
- Proejct Year : April, 2021
- Location : Offaka Health Center III
About The project
This is a three-year pilot project started in 2021 and ending in 2023. It is being implemented in 13 villages namely Adraa, Ayibu/Osabu, Ayuu and Pamachi of Adraa Parish; Oliba/Muni/Ojiba, Pajia/Pacen and Riki of Elibu Parish; Aguru, Araara and Ndabu of Ocebu Parish, and, Ndu, Pajo and Patru of Oribu Parish with the objective to improve the nutrition of the under 5s in Offaka Sub-County with support from Misean Cara and i4Life is a partner in implementation.
Project Success in 2021
Currently, the project has established grassroots implementation structures by incorporating Village Health Teams (VHTs) into the VDCs of the 13 villages. The VDCs were trained to use the Government of Uganda Curriculum for nutrition training at village levels. There was a baseline survey of nutrition status of the under-fives, pregnant and breastfeeding mothers in all the villages of Offaka Sub-County. 3,464 (1744F, 1720M) children and 1,421 mothers were assessed with 107 malnourished cases among children and 72 malnourished cases among mothers. All were referred to various Health Centers nearest to them. One death was recorded Araara village Ocebu parish of a child with severe malnutrition with oedema. Nutrition information gaps were identified, Nutrition education was conducted and trainings in malnutrition management through proper feeding were conducted in 13 villages but attended by more villages. Nutrition education was conducted in 2021 on weekly bases on Thursdays at Offaka Health Center III for mothers who come for antenatal and post natal care with an average attendance of 25 mothers. Nutritious food preparation and administration demonstration was also conducted at the health center. A Training of trainers (ToT) was conducted for AAC and Offaka Health Center III staff on Nutrition education and malnutrition management.
Two motorcycles procured in 2021 for the Nutritionist and support services by ODP team.
Several Zoom meetings were conducted to develop and sign MoU with i4Life in 2021, the technical partner in the implementation of the project, and, to develop curriculum for training in nutrition at SARD level 5. Since the Government of Uganda already has a curriculum for training at village levels, this was reproduced and given to VHTs for use in their respective villages curing their training.